I'm starting this blog unsure of which direction I'm headed in. I just feel like I owe it to myself to dig as deep as I did last time I wrote in here. I'm not entirely sure why that last post was so pivotal for me, but it made me fall more in love with Phil, and now serves as a constant reminder of just how incredible he is. But I digress.
The hot topic in my life is politics. And while I won't turn this into an attempt to get you on "my side" of the political fence, I will step in and tell you that voting, and knowing why you're voting for that candidate, is important. If not to you, then to me. We have this amazing right to speak our mind. If you think it doesn't mean anything on a large scale - you're wrong. Because if everyone felt that way - then we wouldn't be voting at all. Because then not a single opinion would matter, be heard, or even taken into consideration.
It is important. In less that 8 weeks, we pick a new President. A new figurehead for our always confusing government. A new person to call the shots. A new spokesperson for the American people in foreign affairs. A new person to lift us up, or tear us down. To make it better, or make it worse. And if that's not important to you, then I'd like to know why not.
But, that's just me.
And I can also look at it from another viewpoint. If it isn't important to you, which is an attitude of yours that I'm not out to change, then don't vote. Don't ask someone who you should vote for, do just go "wing it" in the voting booth, and don't waste a privilege on ignorance. I'd be disapointed in anyone voting that didn't know what their candidate stood for, as well as the opposing candidate. Some people don't even have the right to vote, and live in country where their opinion doesn't matter.
Here your opinion can matter...are you going to make it count?
Okay, okay. There's the only political mumbo-jumbo you'll here from me for a few weeks ... until the election gets closer, then I cannot make any promises.
- - -
Maybe if I update more often, there won't be as much pressure to make each post incredible. Sorry if you were let down. Actually, not so sorry, because I'm embarrassed for you if you were let down by a bit of old-fashioned patriotism.
So This Is Christmas
My daughter plays the flute in her fifth grade band and, this morning, they
put on a holiday concert. Arriving early, I snagged a couple of seats near
4 weeks ago
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