
So long teenage wasteland...

Well, April 4th marks the end of me being a teenager. Not sure what that really means, except that my car insurance gets cheaper...

I'm 7 papers and 3 exams away from the end of a semester, too.

I have received two Star Wars valentines from my friend Justin as birthday cards...doesn't get much better than that.

Besides the mic stand I got from Phil. I have sung through the entire Ten album [Pearl Jam] ... at the top of my lungs ... on Hard or Expert ... getting 5 Stars each time. I know it may seem silly to some, but that stupid game has made me miss performing. I miss the stage. I miss the sound of my voice when it sounded good. I miss how proud my dad used to look after a performance. I miss my dream of moving to California. I miss it all.

My time is a little divided right now...I'm watching the season finale of Real World [season 21...when did that happen?!] I used the Real World in a discussion in British Literature, when going over George Orwell's "Shooting an Elephant".

That's all I got for now. Sorry this one was lame!