
What has this world come to? I have lived my whole life, although it's a short amount of time in comparison to others, in a corrupt, judgmental, greedy, disgusting, wasteful society that never seems to learn from previous mistakes.

When did we evolve into an incestuous, money-hungry, sex-crazed, murderous, brainwashed planet that is unapologetic for our new ways of living?

In case you're hiding under a rock, here is what is going on in the world this week:
-A 38 year old woman tied up an 18 year old girl and cut out her uterus to steal her baby.

-Bush wants to take $230 million of our money to upgrade Pakistan's jets

-An Iraqi boy is kidnapped and raped at the age of 16, because he is gay.

-We are also going to pay $25 billion to help rescue Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac with their loan debt.

Why is our society a society in which the bad guys can stay bad?
Why aren't we demanding that every human be a good person?
Why do we accept certain behavior, chalking it up to cultural, societal, or behavioral differences?
Aren't there human standards that should be acknowledged?

I'm embarrassed to be a part of our human race.
I'm embarrassed to have someone like George W. Bush "leading" an entire country.
I'm embarrassed for whoever actually voted for him.
I'm embarrassed for what the rest of the world thinks of us.
I'm embarrassed at the way some other countries are still run.
I'm embarrassed by myself, and how I have not affected this world in a positive way.
I'm embarrassed that I think trying is a waste of time.

This world is destroyed. And we destroyed it. By our inability to demand that everyone be one of the good guys.


turn off my heart

I enjoy the last sip of wine...the sweet and tart sip that leaves you satisfied and craving more.

That's life.
The awkward mix of contentment and need for something else.
That's life, to me.

What I've been and what I am never measure up to what I want to be. There's a weird sense of failure, when you know you aren't failing, but all you're really doing is just getting by. I'm going though all the right motions.

Why do the motions have to be right. And why does what's wrong seem so wrong.
I'd make those question marks, but they have no answer. And then that's another almost failure.

Everyday I dare myself to do something that no one will think I'd ever do. Everyday I do not do those things. Everyday I stay who I am, and fail at stretching my ability to live freely.

I am in love with a man that captivates my soul on a daily basis. I am in love with a man that makes me giggle like a little girl and laugh until I can't breathe. I am in love with a man that makes me challenge my own intelligence and challenge the ways of the world. I am in love with a man that has somehow managed to keep me falling in love, deeper and deeper, everyday. I am in love with a man.

That paragraph didn't fit, and I'm sure your brain couldn't connect it. But that's the point of this love, my love, our love. For me, it fits - no matter where I put it. The pieces always fit.

My taste buds somehow spoke philosophy. One sweetly tart sip has turned my heart and head on overdrive. Do not assume I am intoxicated. Half a glass means nothing. The smallest trigger of any of my five senses can cause a post like this.